Volunteer & Internship

"The Best Way to Find Yourself is to Lose Yourself in the Service of Others…"

- Gandhi ji

The Volunteer Action team of HCWA believes that the youth of India contains a crucial role to play in shaping the discourse on strengthening India – as folks whose voice is detected, as folks with access to the media, as folks with the capability to influence policies and build pressure towards positive government action for inclusive development. Internships area unit a vicinity of our Volunteer Action programme. Our interns return from numerous skilled and academic backgrounds, and area unit seen as integral contributors to the movement for HCWA.

The underlying assumption all told our partnerships with interns is that the expertise with HCWA can modify them to still participate within the struggle for the upliftment well on the far side the course of this berth. There in sense, the berth is recognized as a starting of a way longer relationship between HCWA and therefore the intern, yet because the establishment they represent.

Volunteer Form